Asked By: John Morris Date: created: Jun 06 2021

What are the two types of quantitative variables

Answered By: Walter Hill Date: created: Jun 07 2021

There are two types of quantitative variables: discrete and continuous.

What does the data represent.

Counts of individual items or values.

Measurements of continuous or non-finite values..

Asked By: Rodrigo Martinez Date: created: Mar 19 2022

How do you know if data is discrete or continuous

Answered By: Jackson Kelly Date: created: Mar 22 2022

Discrete data is a numerical type of data that includes whole, concrete numbers with specific and fixed data values determined by counting. Continuous data includes complex numbers and varying data values that are measured over a specific time interval.

Asked By: Rodrigo Simmons Date: created: Nov 21 2021

What type of variable is annual income

Answered By: Jayden Martinez Date: created: Nov 21 2021

For example, income is a variable that can be recorded on an ordinal or a ratio scale: At an ordinal level, you could create 5 income groupings and code the incomes that fall within them from 1–5.

Asked By: Nathaniel Long Date: created: Aug 21 2021

Is age nominal or ordinal

Answered By: Lewis Scott Date: created: Aug 21 2021

Age can be both nominal and ordinal data depending on the question types. I.e "How old are you" is a used to collect nominal data while "Are you the first born or What position are you in your family" is used to collect ordinal data. Age becomes ordinal data when there's some sort of order to it.

Asked By: Alfred Williams Date: created: Mar 05 2022

Is gender nominal or ordinal

Answered By: Bruce Roberts Date: created: Mar 08 2022

A nominal variable has no intrinsic ordering to its categories. For example, gender is a categorical variable having two categories (male and female) with no intrinsic ordering to the categories. An ordinal variable has a clear ordering.

Asked By: Thomas Davis Date: created: Jul 11 2021

Is salary a continuous variable

Answered By: Peter Clark Date: created: Jul 12 2021

Glossary: Discrete Data In terms of statistics, this describes variables that assume only particular, distinct values and that are not continuous. For example, salary levels and performance classifications are discrete variables, whereas height and weight are continuous variables.

Asked By: Miguel Anderson Date: created: Aug 10 2022

Is age continuous or discrete

Answered By: Carl Morgan Date: created: Aug 12 2022

Age is measured in units that, if precise enough, could be any number. Therefore the set they come from is infinite. For example, someone could be 22.32698457 years old or 22.32698459 years old. We could be infinitly accurate and use an infinite number of decimal places, therefore making age continuous.

Asked By: Ronald White Date: created: Dec 13 2021

How do you know if something is discrete or continuous

Answered By: Morgan James Date: created: Dec 16 2021

A discrete variable is a variable whose value is obtained by counting. A continuous variable is a variable whose value is obtained by measuring. A random variable is a variable whose value is a numerical outcome of a random phenomenon. A discrete random variable X has a countable number of possible values.

Asked By: Jesse Russell Date: created: Oct 12 2021

Is age nominal or ordinal in SPSS

Answered By: Daniel Baker Date: created: Oct 13 2021

Age is frequently collected as ratio data, but can also be collected as ordinal data. This happens on surveys when they ask, "What age group do you fall in?" There, you wouldn't have data on your respondent's individual ages – you'd only know how many were between 18-24, 25-34, etc.

Asked By: Jackson Simmons Date: created: Sep 15 2022

Is yes no qualitative or quantitative

Answered By: Aaron Martin Date: created: Sep 17 2022

Most recent answer Yes/No is nominal. It has no direction and therefore, it could be classified as qualitative with numerical description.

Asked By: Cameron Ross Date: created: Sep 24 2021

Is salary ordinal or nominal

Answered By: Gerld Diaz Date: created: Sep 24 2021

In this case, salary is not a Nominal variable; it is a ratio level variable. The appropriate test of association between undergraduate major and salary would be a one-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), to see if the mean starting salary is related to undergraduate major.

Asked By: Cyrus Johnson Date: created: Jun 20 2021

Is annual income quantitative or categorical

Answered By: Jeremiah Cook Date: created: Jun 21 2021

For example: weight, temperature, height, GPA, annual income, etc. are classified under numerical or quantitative data. In comparison, categorical data are qualitative data types.

Asked By: Chase Robinson Date: created: May 27 2022

Is height a categorical variable

Answered By: Carter Robinson Date: created: May 29 2022

Quantitative variables are any variables where the data represent amounts (e.g. height, weight, or age). Categorical variables are any variables where the data represent groups.

Asked By: Walter Campbell Date: created: Aug 16 2022

Is height qualitative or quantitative

Answered By: Steven Perez Date: created: Aug 18 2022

Quantitative data is information about quantities; that is, information that can be measured and written down with numbers. Some examples of quantitative data are your height, your shoe size, and the length of your fingernails.

Asked By: Joseph Walker Date: created: Feb 15 2022

Is income a quantitative variable

Answered By: William Brown Date: created: Feb 15 2022

(*) Household size, monthly income and number of computers — these are quantitative variables. Income is a continuous variable. Household size and number of computers are discrete variables.

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